"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." -Wilde
04.06.1970 - 04.21.2121
Ashes of everything now
Thoughts, stories, pictures, and music from and for those left behind when Dan Harmsen suddenly passed away ... to fast ... too soon. Add yours to fill it with life. Grab a glas of wine, play some music and enjoy the images reflecting a life well lived.
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." -Wilde
Devastated at the loss of my friend Dan Harmsen. Lifelong snowboard buddies. First pic is from early nineties. I always enjoyed watching Dans big air. I think this was at castle but also could be fortress. The other pic is from a couple years ago at sunshine with his daughter Sophie and my boy Patrick. Love you brother.
Dan defined a Renaissance Man. He was my partner, my colleague and a dear friend. I admired his intellect, his energy and most of all his passion to be a great father. He will forever be in my thoughts. Love and Condolences to Dan’s family and all who are grieving. Rest In Peace
I have been thinking about the spider network of friendships that Dan was very much the centre of since I heard this heartbreaking news. His unbridled enthusiasm and sociability put him at the centre. Always smiling, always up for a chat every time I saw him over the past, dare I say, 30 years. To Alex and all of Dan’s family: My deepest and most sincere condolences to you all. It’s a terrible thing to lose someone you love and this is a terrible year to have it happen in.
Dear Daan, words can’t describe the feeling when I heard what was happened to you. We saw each other in Reeuwijk for the last time and you were so enthusiastic and full of laughter. I will never forget your beautiful smile. Rest in peace dear Daan! All our love goes out to Edan, Sophie, Jenneke, Alexander and Paul and their families.
my condolences Alex.
Dan, Shocked and sad to hear that you are no longer here. I met you in Springbank and always enjoyed crossing paths at the university Den and MacEwan ballroom. It’s been a while but whenever our paths have crossed (mostly at the Ship) you’ve always had a warm smile and a happy greeting. You are a true edgewalker that has positively impacted people from all walks of life.
That smile! Ever present and so sincere. I remember the day I met Dan at the Black Lung - he asked me for a dollar - explained if everyone gave him just a dollar, he could invest it and make it grow. That was a peak into the eternal optimism of Dan and shrewd business acumen. He was part of My Tribe - students and musicians, of one of the happiest times in my life. Always up to party, like the pix of our NYE party out to DILLIGAFs on the school bus, the trip we took to Julie's cabin in Invermere, my housewarming party where he told my mom "Oh, we'll look after Christy" with a sinister laugh and his arm around my shoulder, when he joined Lochy and Mark Peetsma on a visit out to Vancouver, when we came home for Christmas and the numerous parties, and the live shows in various pubs. His taste in music was incredible! And have you seen him dance? I was in awe and always paid attention to what Dan recommended. Whenever I ran into him at the Ship, we would talk and catch up. His daughter was at Zoo lights through Guides as mine was, and I interviewed him for a piece I wrote for Metro in 2017. He always had that charming smile and so much positive energy. So unique and will never be replaced. Not having you around, without the possibility of our random yet meaningful encounters is going to be hard to take. But I'm glad I got to share in your light, Dan, however briefly. <3
Hoe plotseling het leven stilstaat bij het bericht van het overlijden van Daan. Hoe oneerlijk als je nog een heel leven voor je hebt. Mijn medeleven gaat uit naar zijn familie en vrienden. Wij kennen elkaar uit zijn Nederlandse tijd en Daan lachte altijd , had plezier en ondernam altijd van alles. Top. De foto die ik stuur is uit 1978. Daan voorop, beker omhoog in zijn hand, lach op zijn gezicht. Als ik door de andere foto's blader is dat altijd zo gebleven. Dat is mooi! How suddenly life comes to a still at the news of Daan's death. How unfair if you still have a whole life ahead of you. My condolences go out to his family and friends. We know each other from his Dutch days and Daan always laughed, had fun and always undertook all kinds of things. Top. The photo I'm sending is from 1978. Daan in front, cup up in his hand, smile on his face. When I scroll through the other photos it has always remained that way. That is beautiful!
Dan was part of my friend group in my fabulous university days at the University of Calgary. He was always very witty, with a quick smile and laugh, and an eagerness for adventure. My condolences to Alex and the rest of the family. I’m sure your loss is deep. Warmest regards, Julie Kerr, Nelson BC
I am so sorry for your loss. I remember him as playful and loving. I will never think of him any other way ❤❤❤❤❤
I met Daan when he first entered commercial real estate working for Rick Lewis... his passion for work, life and friends was inspiring. He will be solely missed by all he touch. Sincere condolences to all his family! Love ya man!!
Daan, we met in university and shared many beers and cigarettes in the Black Lounge and Dinnys Den. You were always so welcoming and kind and were a joy to be around. I hope to see you again sometime. You had an impact here on people in a positive way and you will be missed. So long for now my friend. Adam Halliday
So very sorry. Fond memories of Dan from younger days and when I ran into him in professional ways he was exactly the good human I remembered. Condolences to all.
Dan It’s been a long time since we have talked. The world is a little less bright knowing you’re not in it. You were a force. There’s a time that I often remember and have shared with my children. We both were in the BComm program at UofC. You were ridiculously smart. What would take me literally hours to learn, you would completely understand in a quick 15 minute read. We shared an exam (finance- the hardest!) You had partied the night before - staying up super late. We were given three hours to complete the exam which near everyone utilized. You were the first to give in your exam and leave after just over an hour. Since we were friends, I felt badly for you, but also thought, “You reap what you sow.” You didn’t do good, you got the highest mark out of everyone, what, 200+ people? lol I would not have wanted to go up against you in anything. Ever. I was never a slouch, but you killed it at everything. You will ALWAYS be a bright light. It’s just how you rolled.
So very sorry to hear this.
When I think of Dan, I think of his smiling face and easy manner, walking into a room and filling that room with his positive energy. My sincere condolences to you all for this incredible loss.
I've closed my eyes and listened to every note of this song run through. Daan had more energy and enthusiasm than crowds of people combined. He lived a lot of life. With love to you all.
Dearest Dan. We love you and we will miss you always. Guy and Antoinette
Hard to fathom. I still remember being amazed by how funky he could make a trumpet sound. My thoughts go out to the entire family.
Dan was my brother. We shared many good times together, but more important, we shared times together when we both needed family (x-mas, Easter, etc). He was always there for me, even when I left Calgary, he was always close by. His yearly visits to NL helped me keep in touch with him, his family, and all that I left behind. His musical taste were a huge influence on mine. We shared a lot of music together, but I will admit, it was more of a one way street (I greedily took what I could get) . A few weeks ago, I got heavily into Roxy Music's 2nd album (For your pleasure). It was on repeat for an entire week. This was Dan's influence. I was going to call him this week, just to share that tid-bit of information, but now it's too late. His energy level was stellar. It was sometimes difficult to keep up. And he was funny, so funny. His t-shirts were memorable to say the least: "nuke gay whales" - LOL. That was one to remember. Fuck... I'm going to miss him. I already miss him. He was a constant in my life. I love you Dan.
Although Dan and I lost touch over the years. I have warm memories of many happy and funny times we shared between Calgary and Vancouver. His joyful spirit will live on for sure. My condolences to his family.
Dan and I made a road trip once in the early nineties. We jumped in his giant blue care made in 1972 with an 8 track player and set off for the west coast. We crossed to Tofino and found a camping spot next to the ocean. Without hesitation, we put on our never-before-used wet suits (thanks Olav for selling me one - it eventually saved my from freezing to death), rented some surf boards, and walked into the Pacific. We paddled about for a bit and after 10 minutes our teeth were chattering in the water that felt like -20. Dan looked at me and said, ''I'm calling it'', and we made our way for shore. To the amusement of a handful of locals on the beach we got out of the water and walked to our camping spot. There we made a fire, sat shivering and stared at the grey sky. It was good fun! Later we did the sensible thing and made for the pub. Mark Peetsma, you probably remember this 'cause I think you hitched a ride back to Calgary. Dan was a dear friend to me mainly because we shared a belief that most things in life don't go your way but good laughs can always be had. To everyone who knew Dan, I share your feeling that we lost someone important in our lives.
RIP Daan, I always enjoyed running into you over the years, really going to miss your smiling face on the dance floor. Peace my Friend
Daan Harmsen we really miss you buddy. There was waaay too much stupid stuff left to do, but at least we crossed a lot off the list too. Your keen business insight, unconditional friendship, infectious wit, good spirit and love for music, fun, art will be missed so much. We know you're hucking big air right about now, and laughing your ass off doing it. That's how I'll remember you.
Dan you will be missed by so many people. I’ve know you since we were in high school and you were always a fun, engaging and highly personable guy. You had more energy than anyone! I’m so sorry to see you leave us. Rest In Peace my friend.
Thank you Alex for stepping up, again. Dan taught me what you taught him when Rudy passed - if brothers can't figure stuff out, then no-one can. We didn't always get it right but we gave it our very best, and now I know in some way what it feels like to lose a brother. Edan and Sophie - if ever, anything, ever, just ask. Love you so much Danno.
I miss your brilliant smile and kind soul. You will always be loved and cherished.
Extremely sad news about the sudden passing of my bro Dan Harmsen...hadn't seen him as of late but I do remember media ski trips to Kimberly and various house parties and the like. Damn good friend and an even better human being he brought light into this world 🌎...miss ya my man RIP !!! Sincerest condolences to his family and his many friends like Tom Reynolds, Paul Flegal, Paul Hughes, Honey Sturdy, way too many to mention...a lesson as well to remember that life's precious so enjoy what we can when we can! Peace and love 💘everybody...
We had some great times together Dan!, Godspeed buddy!
Dear Daan, you passed away far too early. I will always remember your smile, bright eyes and warm appearance! Rest in peace. My heart and thoughts go out to Eden, Sophie, Jenneke, your brothers and all your family.
Dear family and loved ones of Daniël, From Holland, our deepest condolences with the loss of a beloved person, Dan: son, father, brother, cousin, precious friend, and colleague. Our respect goes to Jenneke, our dear neighbor from our forest path. Losing a child as a mother is heartbreaking. It moves and touches us to see how the mother of Dan gave her three sons power, engagement & lust for life. Jenneke is an example of how she, in a spiritual way, is giving back her son to the big light. May solace and the opulence of nature give you comfort, with an extra embrace for the two kids of Dan, his brothers and his special mother. Love from Eric van der Want and Odette Reydon
My dear cousin, you will be missed. We enjoyed your visits so much. Climbing to the roof of the church, having lunch in the greenhouse. And you would have been here for the race at Zandvoort. I really liked sharing pictures and little things, like you cooking boerenkool. We are still in shock. Our hearts and love go out to Edan, Sophie, tante Jenneke and your brothers and their family.
My Brother. Daan Eduard Harmsen.
This is you, to me, brother in arms. Both figuring out, learning, and defending our identity, who we are.
We are Harmsens, family, brothers, sons of Jenneke and uncles. We live with a forced distance, that frustrate us both which causes rifts due to unshared experiences and lack of understanding. Now in this past week of reflection, I am able to witness, through long chats with those you loved, how all that distance was just a facade, a mirage of perception. A deception, of the devil's making.
How unnecessary all that frustration actually was. How false, time and distance is, to be used as an excuse. It was the easy way out, and Daan, I am sorry. We always connect in recognition of how bloody similar we are (we love each other), and yet how our environment and circumstances had made us learn to adapt so differently ( do you remember how much that pains and amuses us?). Yet, In all that awareness, we both demonstrate, how resilient we are to remain Harmsen’s. How through turmoil our hearts only grow bigger. And We realize how the world could not afford a place, with the three of us together. We are adventurers, conquerors, breakers, and builders - loyal to the last.
You make it man, you do it, and you forever make us proud. Never to be forgotten, always there to guide us and remind us who we are. Harmsens forever, and forever better.
While there are those who are physically present, we the Harmsens will forever be your pallbearers, your loyal torchbearers through the veil of uncertainty of each approaching tomorrow.
As we watch with wonder how your light shines eternal. My dear brother. Daan.
Dear Daan, Every time I think about you I smile and that will never change. Thank you for all the wonderful memories, you leave this world way to soon.. Love Berend, Sandra & Anna-fleur
My deepest condolences to Alex and your family, and a very long list of amazing friends. Going back to Springbank, university and then maybe even a little adulting, I'll remember how you always made your way over, put your arm around me, and had a really good catch-up. Your boundless energy was infectious and glorious. Rip It uP Danno!
Dan was one of the first Dutch guys I had the honour to get to know in Calgary. We will miss his enthusiasm and passion for so many things.
I first met Daan way back in the late 80’s. Enjoying pints at The Ship and Anchor, sharing cool conversations and enjoying our youth. He was a lovely soul; warm, gentle, humorous and kind. I never heard him say a bad word about anyone. We lost touch as life took us on the journeys of adulthood and then strangely I ran into him again about four years ago when I moved back home from Toronto, at the Ship; pint in hand! Rest In Peace my man.
Dan you are an original and we liked you from the moment we met you. A renaissance man for your time full of energy and charisma. You will be missed by many.
RIP Daan! I knew him as Dan and what a man he was. Talented, intelligent, fun loving and filled with joy. Hug someone named "Dan" and a soul you cherish!
Such a loss, many great memories, toasts, at a loss for words so I share this. Peace, love and some music XX
I met Dan first when he interviewed me, 2.5 years ago. When I remember Dan it’s his incredible energy and presence and enthusiasm in every phone call he made and conversation he had. And I remember how much I appreciated his thoughtfulness in calling me at home on a Friday night to offer advice about a new client I had just gotten. I also remember him talking proudly about his children, his son going out east to school, skiing together, his daughter living with him. He loved his family and talked about them at work. He talked about how he wanted balance in his life, to have great fun as well as working hard. I remember Dan as incredibly smart and driven but fun loving. He seemed to love his adventures in life and enjoyed living it to the fullest. He also loved hosting his stampede party and I got to share in the fun at his home and met many other of his friends from different parts of his life who cared about Dan. I’m so sad that Dan, so incredibly smart, fun loving and loving, is gone so young, and that I could not have worked with him and gotten to know him better. His presence in the office is already missed. Wanda
Dan, since as 1st trumpeters in Springbanks Jr High band, you have always covered my gaffes and brought out the best in me and everyone. So happy we connected on so many ways since those days 40 years ago. I learned of this sad news passing the Ship & Anchor whilst on my own grieving journey. I toasted you with your friends like you would have wanted. Prost my friend.
Dan, you were so easy to hang out with. Always good for laughs and animated conversations, and always fun. You had such enthusiasm for so many things, especially your love for Sophie and Edan. We will miss you so much.
What is it like to be Daan's brother? It is an honor to be your brother. Always was and always will be.
You envelop and embrace where others pull away. You expand and shine explosively where others shy. You burn candles on both ends and sides, where others prefer the safer slow burn. You seek to stay loyal to old selves and fellow travelers at stations along the way where others revise too quickly. You love without judgment, shocked but not surprised when not reciprocated. You are, unapologetically - always will be.
In some of these ways, I am one of the others. We Irish twins - juxtaposed epicenters, harmoniously empowering at distance, prone to friction and combustion when close. You the other half I did not need to be knowing you were, fearlessly, 24/7.
Together our horizon vaster than alone. You mapping and seizing the high-frequency light and I the unexposed shadows. My strength living your lands through you. Perhaps you as well mine through me. I cannot ask if you agree.
Now pain … half the exploration signal silent.
Hey Dan! A long time since we last hung out. University life was much brighter with you in it. I had so much fun being part of the Highwood Music Festival!!! When I think of you I think 'fire' -- not the destructive kind, but the kind in a forge, the kind that creates, the catalyst that takes ordinary situations and makes them special. And I imagine you're doing that now, wherever you are. My condolences to everyone who is missing you ...
I still cannot believe that Dan will not be coming into the office anymore. I remember his excitement after he hiked Mount Assiniboine. He mentioned that everyone should do that hike at least once in his/her life. I am glad he did it. Sharing the sadness remembering Dan.
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Dan Harmsen.
When you hear the name Dan Harmsen, you immediately think a true icon in the Real Estate industry with a smile that was contagious.
Dan was known in the industry for bouncing off the walls and his passion led you into a heated debate yet finishing in celebration with a glass of wine.
Dan had drive to always achieve the best deal for his clients and he did it with the will of determination.
Dan had a way about him ... he touched many lives in the industry and through that he became your friend for life.
Dan, we didn't know today would be our last or that we'd have to say goodbye to you so fast, you were not only a colleague, you were family and one that will be sorely missed.
Please add this track: Michael Kiwanuka Love and hate
It's hard to believe our Danny boy is gone. He's always there when you return from a trip overseas, like a solid figure in your life. One of our good old friends for 30+ years, actually more like family We will not find another Dan. A kind, generous and loyal friend to the end.
Will always remember Dan's smile and laughter. It's hard to imagine him not there anymore. He's always been a part of our old group of friends. He and Loch like brothers. I will miss our Dannyboy. In our hearts forever.
Dad I’m going to miss you every day for the rest of my life. You aren’t only my father but you are one of my best friends. The hardest thing is knowing you won’t be there with me anymore as a father and partner to experience things in this life. We were talking about it only weeks ago of plans for this summer and next winter to go skiing and hiking. I still wish we could do these things together, I miss you so much. I’m going to miss your wit and your snap, you smirks and smiles, your long hugs and our long conversations. You are the best dad I could have ever asked for, there’s nothing more you could have done, nothing. I love you so much dad
In such shock at such a sudden loss. I have known you as long as I have known Tom. That trip to Trinidad - epic. That you made it he sacrifice to be there for us meant more than you could ever imagine. I have such fond memories. Going to yours and Jen’s wedding in Saskatchewan, visiting at your cabin with the kids, taking the kids to the monster truck show...and watching my kids literally watching my kids climb over people to run into the suite and hide because they were scared - good lord. Not a day any of us would forget. As the years went by, and we all got busy with family and work and life, we didn’t see each other as much as we would have liked. But Tom always kept me updated. The skiing, golfing with the kids - my boys have such great memories of you. You have left a mark on us all. And we grieve that you are gone. But never forgotten. Always in our hearts.
Although it has been years, you never really forget old friends like Dan. We were school mates, work mates, room mates and good buddies. I am so sad that you have left us, Rest in Peace.
Loved talking with Dan - his favourite pastime? - and he would drop a typically outrageous provocation - then he’d slip into his wide grin...pause...and wait for you to respond. Then he’d burst out laughing. Never a dull moment with Dan. I’m sure he’s enjoying a chair ride right now, eyeing his next line. Be good, Dan. Love and strength to your family.
Dear cousin Daan, our lives did not cross many times nevertheless I am sad and shocked your live ended so soon. My heart and thoughts go out to your family. You will be greatly missed.
I loved all of our adventures together- some of them more clear than others! You were always the consummate host and always generous. You always brought so much energy- and it lives on in all of us. Xo
Dear Daan, no words can be found to describe the feeling when you passed away. So soon, too soon. My dear cousin with your amazing amount of energy and curiosity, you will be missed. All our love goes out to Eden, Sophie, Jenneke, your brothers and their families, and all who where close to you. Fleur, Wouter, Zoë, Aidan